One Year to Live

 There are twelve months, fifty-two weeks, three hundred sixty-five days, eight thousand seven hundred sixty hours, five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, and thirty-one million five hundred thirty-six thousand seconds in a year. Knowing that information what would you do if you only had one more to live? Would you continue to live life as you normally do, or would you make substantial changes in your life? 

The Unfortunate reality is that many people do not get a warning that their time on earth will be ending soon. The topic of death rather it be from a terminal illness with no cure or from a sudden freak accident, it tends to be a conversation everyone stirs away from. I think one thing we all can agree on no matter what your philosophy on life is that death is inevitable. Alot of people talk about their plans for the future or what they would do "when their time came". We spend so much time planning for a future that is not even promised, we forget to enjoy the life we have right now. No, we cannot avoid death, but we can take the time we do have to make memories that will last a lifetime, we can make memories that can be passed down from generation to generation that would continue to live on forever.

I feel knowing that you only have a certain amount of time left would change anyone's behavior tremendously. Once you get over the realization that you only have one more trip around the sun, one more big family vacation, one more round of holidays, then you will start to enjoy life more and the people you have in it. The small things you complain about will no longer bother you. Impossible would not be impossible anymore. Your bucket list would consist of the more realistic things you want to do and accomplish. 

If I knew I only had one more year to live, I would do everything I ever wanted to do. I would quit my job because hey who needs to work anymore anyway! I would sell my home, my car and any other baggage I just wouldn't need anymore. I would make sure my family would be taken care of. I would love a little harder, I would be a lot kinder. And I would travel any and everywhere my young wild mind could think of. I watched a movie not too long ago that had an interesting quote and it said, "The only way to learn about life is by living." Life in a Year (2020). So live, check off items on that bucket list, love more. Make this world a better place than you found it. 

So, what would you do if you only had one year left to live? 


  1. If I only had a year I would probably spend all my time with my kids loving them and teaching everything I could before I had to leave them


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